Monday after Spokane Judo’s Christmas party ~ delighted Sensei Ruth can join us while she finishes her Spokane medical rotation, way happy to announce Sensei Brett’s promotion to Rokudan!😃
Category: photos
Celebrating Sensei Ruth and Sensei Brett!😊
Sensei Hayward Nishioka Webinar
Meet one of the best known and beloved Judo icon in US history, Sense Hayward Nishioka, 9th Dan, next Sunday.
Webinar Series: Sensei Hayward Nishioka, 9th Dan
Time: Feb 27, 2022, 01:00 PM to 2:30 PM, Pacific Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Webinar
Meeting ID: 838 9862 1003
Passcode: 523772
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