Anna Marie and I are feeling much better and ready to get back to working out.
Hopefully everyone will come out and brave the snow and freezing cold to do judo on Tuesday.
See everyone tomorrow!
Category: News
Practice cancelled again tonight (2/6)
Sensei Anna Marie has it this time, the flu ☹️.
We’ll be back Tuesday, Feb. 11th.
Looking forward to seeing everyone on Tuesday ready to make up for our missed time on the mat.
Practice canceled tonight! Tues.Feb. 4th
Sensei Brett has the flu ☹️.
We’ll be back Thursday, Feb.6th.
Hope to see you all Thursday!🤞
Nage no Kata Clinic
If you are starting your Nage no Kata study, looking for an opportunity to improve your performance, or preparing for promotion, plan to attend the Nage
No Kata Clinic taught by USA Judo Senior National U23 Gold Medalists and Grand Champions, Sensei Brynn Buskerud and Sensei Haley Buskerud, on Saturday,
January 11, 2025, 10am to 4pm. Lunch is provided and the clinic fee is donation to Team Buskerud.
Mikawa Judo Academy (about 3 hr. south of Portland)
12419 Highway 36
Swisshome, OR 97480
Following the clinic, Nage No Kata evaluation for Northwest Judo Yudanshakai promotion applicants will be available.
Please send your RSVP to Sensei Ron Suggs,
if you plan to attend – headcount is needed for lunch arrangements.
Happy New Year
I hope everyone has had a good holiday.
We will be back on the mat on Tuesday, Jan. 7. Kids class will be at 6:30-7:30 and adults will be 7:30-9:00.
Looking forward to seeing everyone back and ready to work off all that holiday cheer!
Wishing everyone happy new year from Spokane Judo.
Tayevius Promotion

Tay, long-time judoka at Spokane Judo, now practicing at college -WSU- earned his Sankyu Tuesday, December 17th after passing the brown belt test!
Tay’s focus, determination, and work ethic shows on and off the mat! We look forward to his next visit home ~ excellent job Tay!
New 2025 Rules Seminar
On Jan. 11 there will be a seminar on the new 2025 rules. I received the below message about this event.
Here is the link for the flyer.
Brian Toth is participating in the 2025 IJF Referee and Coach Seminar in Istanbul, Turkey this weekend to learn about the new IJF competition rules that will be implemented starting on January 1, 2025. Given that he is learning first hand about the new rules, we thought that hosting a rule seminar as soon as possible is the best chance to give everyone in the Pacific Northwest and Alaska the longest runway to get their students adapted to the new rules.
We would like everyone to save Saturday, January 11, 2025 from 9AM to 4PM at Kentridge High School in Kent, Washington on their calendar so that all Judo NW and Alaska referee, coaches, instructors, and high-level athletes can come together to learn about the rules first hand. By now, I think everyone in the Judo NW and Alaska are already duel or triple members, but for this seminar, everyone attending this event must have an USA Judo or ATJA membership. Here is the link if someone needs the 45-day trial membership
Attached is the event flyer and online registration link. If anyone has any questions about this event, please let me know.
Thank you!
Calvin Terada
Budokan Dojo
Tuesday before Thanksgiving
Wanted to let everyone know that we are having practice on Tuesday 11/26. Come and get a workout in before all the eating begins!
Get ready for a guilt free holiday with judo.
Halloween! Adult only practice 7-9
Tomorrow is Halloween ~ we’ve decided to cancel the kids’ class to maximize trick-or-treating time🎃 👻😊
Pacific has also cancelled their classes for tomorrow ~ we hope their adults can come to our adults’ practice tomorrow night.
Again, adult practice -tomorrow night (10/31) only~ will start at 7pm ~ hope you can make it!!
Inland Empire Judo Classic!
Spokane Judo players had an *excellent* showing at the tournament yesterday., put on by our friends at Pacific Judo ~
Syd and Aries fought fiercely and brought home bronze 😃

Dan and Tay likewise turned in exceptional performances!👍😃

All divisions were quite tough – our players demonstrated great technique and sportsmanship!!
With much gratitude to Pacific Judo for hosting such a fantastic local event!