Cancelled Tournaments & a new Schedule

I hope everyone is staying healthy (and missing judo).
Not surprisingly, some upcoming tournaments have been cancelled.
The list is:
March 20-21, Obukan’s 64th Annual Tournament, postponed
April 18, Budokan Tournament, postponed
April 25, Battle by the Lake, cancelled
May 2, Seattle Dojo, cancelled

Here is an updated schedule of upcoming events.
tournament schedule

December Thursday Night Fights (12/5)

This Thursday is that time again, December Thursday Night Fights!
(Previously known as Monday Night Fights).

We would love to see everyone from Joseki, Pacific, and Lakeland.
Everyone should arrive at 6:00 so we can mix adult and kid matches.

I realize this is the middle of the holiday season, but what better way to say Happy Holidays than by throwing someone.